Thursday, May 14, 2020

Essay on Reflections on Night, by Elie Weisel - 836 Words

Night, by Elie Wiesel, is an autobiographical novel which tells the story of Eliezer, a Jewish teenager from the small Transylvanian village of Sighet. He is 15 when transported to Auschwitz, Buna, and finally Buchenwald with his father during World War II. Eliezer loses his faith, argues with God, and is sustained only by the need to care for his father. As well as the appalling memory of the Holocaust resurrected in this novel, Night bears with it the unforgettable implication that this atrocity must by no means be permitted to occur again. However, what if it is possible that these horrors could be carried out again in present day? Furthermore, have we really learned enough from this tragedy to be sure nothing like the Holocaust could†¦show more content†¦Also, by choosing remote sections of the country even the people of Germany were oblivious to what was happening. Plus, many Germans were for the Nazi party and were essentially fine with using the Jewish people as a sca pegoat to rid Germany of debt left from World War I. Another thing I thought about while reading the novel was, â€Å"What would I do if I was ever forced to leave my home and move to a concentration camp?† This is terrifying thought, and I honestly don’t know what I would do. Elie’s number one priority when he was in the concentration camp was not to get separated from his father. This, I believe, saved his life by giving him something to live for even after he lost his faith. After the prisoners have had their names, humanity, and in most cases your family taken away from you it would be very hard to find a reason to endure the harsh conditions of the death camps. This is true in the story for Elie’s relative, Stein of Antwerp. Elie continuously made up stories about how his wife and kids back in Antwerp were doing to keep his hopes up. â€Å"†¦Reizel and the children are still alive. If it wasn’t for them I couldn’t keep going.â₠¬  Unfortunately, one day Stein received the real news of his family and Elie and his father never saw him again which is to be inferred that he died. One final issue that made me think during the book was â€Å"Who is really responsible for these crimes against humanity?† Most will say that Adolf Hitler is responsible for theShow MoreRelatedElie Wiesel as a Survivor of the Holocaust2000 Words   |  8 Pagespoint of view, they can see the good side of human nature, especially if someone looks at it from Elie Wiesel’s perspective. Elie Wiesel and his family were Romanian Jews who were, unfortunately, swept into the Holocaust’s horrors. Elie managed to escape the Holocaust using tools of survival, including love for family and impassivity. He did not let being a victim of the Holocaust define him, so Elie moved on to become an inspirational figure that represented and spoke out for all of those who constantlyRead MoreThe Christian View Of God1647 Words   |  7 Pagesneed to justify the pain and prejudice evident in the human world, deeming it either neutral or good. Many of those who have experienced tremendous injustices also fail to reconcile the existence of God and evil. Elie Wiesel, a holocaust survivor, writes in his autobiographical work Night that I did not deny God s existence, but I doubted His absolute justice, (Wiesel, Ch. 3). It is an abuse of power to justify the suffering of others based on an end-goal without their consent or acknowledgment

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